Our Team
  • Yunji Liu Corcoran
    Chairwoman & CEO
    Yunji Corcoran is the Chairwoman and CEO of SMC Diode Solutions. Yunji has managed a successful career in the power semiconductor field for over 30 years, specializing in design, manufacturing, and global sales. She holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Nanjing University and a PhD in semiconductor materials from Stony Brook University in New York. She currently focuses on management functions, but still considers herself to be a dedicated engineer. Outside of the semiconductor business, Yunji is passionate about travelling, cooking, and collecting cookbooks from around the world.
  • Dongwei Liu
    General Manager
    Dongwei Liu is the General Manager at SMC Diode Solutions. After graduating from the School of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University, Dongwei joined the Foreign Trade Import Company where he worked as a salesperson and manager. Dongwei was entrusted to serve as General Manager of SMC, where he proudly remains today. Currently, he is responsible for all compliance matters in the safety, security, and factory affairs departments, as well as the safety and environment departments, where SMC continues to promote energy conservation and consumption. Outside of work, Dongwei enjoys listening to classical music, reading ancient Chinese poetry, and cooking the cuisines of various countries across the world.
  • Jun Fan
    Chief Operating Officer (COO)
    Jun Fan is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at SMC Diode Solutions. Jun graduated from Macau University of Science and Technology with a master’s degree in business administration. He previously worked as a process engineer and has been gaining responsibilities within SMC since 2001. Over the span of 17 years, from 2001 to 2017, Jun worked as SMC’s Production Manager. In 2017, he was promoted to Director of the Production Department and then once more to his role today. As the COO, Jun is responsible for SMC’s Quality, Production, Sales Support, Factory Affairs, Safety and Environment departments. Outside of work, Jun’s hobbies include singing and playing table tennis, as well as keeping up with his personal workout routine.
  • Minhong Yang
    Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Engineering
    Minhong Yang is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Head of Engineering at SMC Diode Solutions. Minhong graduated with a master’s degree in mechanical design and theory from North China Electric Power University. This led her to join SMC in 2003, where she has served as a Process Engineer, Engineering Technology Manager, and Product Technology Director. As a Process Engineer, Minhong participated in the establishment of both SMC’s 4-inch TV line and 6-inch Schott baseline. Since 2012, Minhong has proudly served as the CTO, where she is responsible for new product planning, diversifying product varieties, and meeting the needs of customers in multiple fields. During her time off, Minhong enjoys playing table tennis, hiking to experience natural sceneries, and travelling around the world.
  • Yuanhe Fu
    Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Accounting
    Yuanhe Fu is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at SMC Diode Solutions. He graduated with a degree in financial accounting, working for more than 18 years as Financial Manager at Nanjing Whole House Electrical-Switch Co., Ltd., and as Financial Director at Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine Group. In 2017, Yuanhe joined SMC, where he now works as CFO. In his personal time, Yuanhe enjoys fishing, playing chess, collecting stamps and ancient coins, and travelling to new places across the world.
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