High Current Full-Wave Bridge Rectifiers KBJL606 thru KBJL610

Date:December 12, 2018

The KBJL6 series is a family of high current, high voltage full-wave bridge rectifiers packaged in the very thin KBJL in-line outline.  The KBJL6 series has a high continuous forward current rating of 6A and a high reverse voltage capability of 600V to 1000V.  The series has a very robust single cycle peak forward surge current rating of 150A which is well suited for the ever-growing number of reactively coupled power conversion applications.  The thin package width of 4.2mm, nominal, saves significant space in high density power adapter applications when compared to traditional high current through-hole bridge outlines.  The combination of high current rating, high reverse voltage capability and thin package outline make the KBJL6 series the ideal bridge selection for small form factor power adapter and switch mode power supply applications.  



 Continuous forward current capability of 6A (Tc=120oC)

 High reverse voltage capability of 600V to 1000V peak

 Low forward voltage drop (0.92V @ 3A, typical, TJ=25oC) maximizes efficiency

 High forward surge rating of 150A necessary for reactively loaded circuits

 Low reverse leakage current (100nA @ VRRM, typical, TJ=25oC)

 Thin package width (4.2mm typical) is ideal for small power adaptors



 High density power adapters

 Charging circuits

 Switch-Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)


Support Material

Data Sheet

KBJL606 THRU KBJL610 N2060 REV.-.pdf
